Game-Like UI with Horizontal Categorized Gods

In this guide you will learn the standard water opener for medit/anatolia for greek.


Build Order

Arhaic Age
  • Send initial villager to make a dock and send 2 pigs there
  • Scout 2 more pigs and send those to the dock as well, start making fishing ships until you have 6.
  • The other 3 initial villagers shoot the boar/auroch and kite it next to the towncenter
  • After helping shoot the boar, 1 of those 3 initial villagers goes to wood
  • 3 new villagers to wood (build storehouse near wood)
  • 2 new villagers to gold (build storehouse)
  • wood vilager build house
  • 1 new villager to wood
  • rest of new villagers to food
  • Build temple with 2 gold villagers
  • at 3:15 click advance through athena
  • With your dock villager build 2 more docks.
  • While advancing send 4 total villagers to gold
  • Send the rest of your food villagers to wood except one, leave one on food.
Classic Age
  • In classic create siege ships at first then arrow ships to protect those siege ships
  • Keep making new villagers to wood/gold depending on which gets low.

  • Once you have a lead on water, start taking towncenters and those towncenter’s villagers goes to food/gold to advance quickly to heroic
  • In heroic get the fishing ship upgrade
  • If your opponent overcommmits on water its okay, take towncenters and just boom.

Latest Build Orders