Game-Like UI with Horizontal Categorized Gods

In this guide you’ll learn the minotaur rush builder order with Zeus. Build created by Pegasusrush check out his twitch stream here: Pegasusrush


Build Order

Arhaic Age
  • Initial first 4 villagers build a granary on the hunt
  • 1st new villager goes to wood and builds a storehouse
  • 2 new villagers go to gold and build a storehouse
  • Build a temple asap once you have 150 gold, force drop off gold to the storehouse to get it faster.
  • Send 4 more new villagers to hunt
  • 2 new villagers to gold
  • (At this point you build temple)
  • 2 villagers to temple
  • Build house with 1 food villager
  • Force drop off food to granary to get 400 food for advance
  • Pre-queu age 2 athena when the last villger is in production
  • While advancing to athena, take 3 villagers from food and move them to wood
  • Set rally point of temple inside temple so the free minotaur will be hidden
  • Create greek hero while advancing

Classic Age
  • New villagers go to food until 8 on food total
  • Make 3 minotaurs and hide inside temple
  • Make barracks with 1 wood villager
  • Make a house
  • 1 villager to favor
  • 2 villagers to gold
  • 1 villager to favor
  • After 9 on gold send new villagers to food
  • After 4 minotaurs get the Labyrinth of Minos upgrade increasing the stats of the minotaurs
  • Make Achilles from towncenter
  • Keep making hoplites & minotaurs

  • Hide minotaurs in the temple to make your opponent think its a relic inside(it shows a little garrinson flag)
  • When you see the enemy scout coming pull the scout off the temple onto gold for a few seconds until the scout is gone to make your opponent think you are not opting into minotaurs
  • Force drop off gold and food at crucial moments during arhaic to hit better timinsg
  • Keep adding houses on time as you’ll quickly get population blocked with this strategy due to myth units taking up more pop
  • Grab a relic inside so the enemy thinks its just a relic inside your temple

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