In this guide you’ll learn the standard opener for Isis.
Build Order
Arhaic Age
- Initial 3 villagers go to hunt
- Make obelisks all over the map with your priest
- 2 New villagers to gold
- Next villager makes monument and then goes to gold
- Make temple asap once you have 150 gold
- 4 new villagers to hunt (Total 7 on food)
- 1 new villager wood
- New villagers to gold until you click advance (Click advance at 3:15)
- Get pickaxe & flood of the nile asap while advancing
- While advancing get a 2nd monument up
- Cast prosperity godpower while advancing
Classic Age
- Drop a townenter at 4:20 (you’ll be in classic at 4:15, start moving gold villagers & pharaoh to towncenter immediately 5 seconds before advance.)
- A towncenter cost 550 gold now, so make sure you have gathered enough gold before moving villagers to take a towncenter
- Empower the granary in arhaic first, then empower the goldmine once you are advancing to boost your gold income with prosperity
- Take the towncenter which has the most favorable resource available (Gold / hunt pack and easy to defend)
- If you’re playing against a very aggressive civilization you could consider dropping a villager center instead (Villager center is a towncenter you can place anywhere but villagers train with a delay.)