Game-Like UI with Horizontal Categorized Gods

In this guide you will learn the 4:00 ptah shifting sands rush.


Build Order

Uncollapse the ages below to view the indepth written build order.

Arhaic Age
  • From the initial 3 villagers, send 2 to food(build granary on hunt) 1 to gold(build mining camp on gold).
  • Empower granary with pharaoh
  • Send 1 new villager to gold
  • Send priest to convert the best animals you can find(Rhinos, hippos, elephants.)
  • Scout the map with baboon + scout with the newly converted animals.
  • Build house with gold vilager.
  • Send all new remaining villagers to food until you have 9 on food total.
  • Send remaining new villagers to gold.
  • Build temple once you have 150 gold.
  • Once you have around 350 food, drop off food to the granary with your hunt villagers, and leave 5 villagers on food, send the other 4 food villagers to gold
  • Empower the mining camp with your pharaoh.
  • Make 2 to 4 priests from your temple + get the priest upgrade.
  • Click advance around 3:00

Classic Age
  • Use vision on the enemy towncenter.
  • Bring all your animals priests and pharaoh together and shifting sands them on the enemy villagers.
  • Send new villagers to gold then take a towncenter with about 5 gold villagers.
  • Send new villagers from both towncenters to food.
  • Send 2 villagers from gold to wood.
  • Make a monument .
  • Make 2 barracks around the monument to get 5% cheaper units from the barracks.
  • Make the units that counter your opponent. Axeman>infantry, Slinger>archers, Spearmen>cavalry.

  • Scout the enemy base out with your converted animals to make sure you dont miss your vision.
  • Move pigs to your granary if you run out of hunt in your base in arhaic to still get the right timing.

Latest Build Orders